Friday, November 03, 2006

Internet Explorer sucks!

So, I was making my portfolio website for my portfolio class in school. My portfolio will contain all the previous projects and assignments that I made for Instructional Development Design minor. I am using HTML because it is easier for me to integrate things that I want to do for my site rather than doing it all by flash which will take me months and actionscripts learning to do it. I purchased a domain name and I host my site in yahoo. Everything was working fine except for minor design changes that I need to make. I was testing my site using a Mozilla Firefox browser. I was happy with the progress that I was making until I decided to test it using Internet explorer from Microsoft. I noticed that the navigation for my Projects page is different in IE. Firefox and other browsers like Safari and Opera works smoothly with my site except for this stupid Internet Explorer browser. So, as much as I love Windows, I would discourage all of you from using IE. Instead, use Firefox or other known browsers available.

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